Thursday, July 23, 2009

Paulina with Flickr Spell

letter P KMcElman_090516_A7 U L I N Educational Brick Letter A

Somehow I can't get the letters to go across - maybe my blog set up prevents it. Thanks to Rebecca A. for helping me in 23 Things study hall.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Week Four - RSS

Setting up an RSS reader account was easy, I decided to go with Bloglines. The dilemma will now be to find blogs that I want to read. I am not much of a blog reader, so I will have to do some exploring to see what is out there.

Week Four - RSS feeds

Okay, so I'm already behind again due to vacation. I need to get back on track. I played with the Flickr banner speller and tried to get the banner picture in my blog but I could not figure it out - I always got the first letter, but the remainder did not appear. Maybe I'll play around with it some more in 23 Things Study Hall. I am hosting study hall tomorrow so I better get cracking on the RSS assignment.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Okay, so I had a little fun today making a librarian trading card. It was fun and very easy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Week Three - Flickr

Okay, so I made the mistake of thinking that I could just dabble a bit in Flickr, find a picture in the creative commons to add to my blog, and found that it did not want to work - invalid image URL. Now I am frustrated. I guess that I sometimes have a low tolerance to learning new technologies. Somehow I thought that it would be easy and obvious. Time to step back, regroup and try again.

Week Three

Week three and I am already feeling behind. I knew that finding time would be the greatest challenge for me. I just got back from vacation, am trying to catch up on emails and phone messages, and don't really feel like I have time to play with Flickr. My plan - catch up today and plan to set aside one hour on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Week One - Getting Started

I found the 23 Things Lifelong Learning Habits video to be a bit boring. I also found the contract to be a hokey but I did it anyway. The biggest obstacle for me will be time - allowing myself time to play with new and different technologies. I think that I will take advantage of the 23 Things Study Hall on Thursday's 2-3pm (room 1620) to gather encouragement, support and ideas from others. Going to the study hall each week will set aside time for me to work on this endeavor.